Terms & Conditions
Please read our Terms and Conditions of Trade. If you proceed with a purchase this indicates your acceptance of the following terms and conditions:
Our online shopping facility www.thetable.co.nz has been designed for quick and secure purchasing options. You can confidently expect that all of your personal details are protected (see Privacy Policy) and are used only for the purposes of expediting your transactions. We accept all major credit cards issued in New Zealand (see Security Policy) and transactions processed via our site are encrypted and transmitted via 128 bit SSL.
As an alternative to online payment with your credit card you may print out your order (when at checkout) and send your cheque payment or credit card details to The Table for processing. Please ensure that you enclose a copy of the print out. Off shore purchases can be paid for by direct credit to our bank account (details will be provided with confirmation of your order).
Prices shown are in New Zealand Dollars ($NZ) inclusive of GST. Prices are correct at the time of publication. However The Table reserves the right to alter the price under some circumstances. Specials, promotions, and sale prices are subject to availability and The Table reserves the right to amend or cancel these. In the event of this applying to an item you have ordered you will be contacted prior to your order being processed.
Merchandise Quality and SupplyStock is imported direct from suppliers in Europe, Asia, UK and America or sourced from local suppliers. All goods are guaranteed against faulty workmanship or materials and are suitable for their intended use under reasonable conditions. The Table endeavors to maintain sufficient stock to satisfy market requirements. Should an item you require be sold out, you will receive advice of the projected delivery time. Circumstances beyond the control of The Table may affect the supply.
Privacy Notice
The Table is committed to protecting your privacy. This is of paramount importance. The Tables aim is for your online shopping experience to be easy, safe, satisfying and convenient. Your order and personal details are protected at all times by using a secure server. Personal information provided by you is used only for the purpose of fulfilling your orders and/or providing you with product information or news as requested. This information is sent to you via email directly into your inbox. You can opt out of such communication by simply clicking on unsubscribe.
Your credit card details are used solely for the purpose of fulfilling your orders and are not stored. Be assured that we do not sell, trade or share any information with anyone. The purpose of storing information is simply to make your next visit to our site much easier. Should you have any questions about privacy when ordering online or security on this site, please contact us via our contact form or telephone 04 589 5892.
When you order from www.thetable.co.nz you will be asked to provide your e-mail address, your given and family names, your telephone number, your delivery address and your credit card information. This information is used solely to fulfil your order. All personal information is stored in a secure and responsible way.